Friday 3 May 2013

Planning for our main task

After our preliminary task, we realised that thorough planning for our main was a necessity. We therefore split off to create different parts for the plan. We had the ideas that we would use Mr Hughes' office (headteacher) as a location. However his busy schedule meant we couldn't have the office for long enough, we therefore went to the common and only used a section to for filming. We tried to make it look like a penthouse or hotel room with its high windows etc.. However the plans created were for Mr Hughes' office. If we had time we would have changed the plans for the new location, however we were very pressed for time due to light constraints and various deadlines.

I created the call sheet, this was important as we need to know who needs to turn up when and so on. If we neglected to make the call sheet, it would have resulted in chaos and people turning up when they werent needed and vice versa. Organisation is key for anything that requires team work. This is why the call sheet was important for our groups success.

Brolin created the shot list, we both worked on the storyboard so we know what we wanted to do in the film, after this we created a label for each shot, we then listed the time we would be filming it, the shot number, a description of the shot as seen on the storyboard, the location, characters seen in each shot and props (mise-en-scene) in each shot. This was important as it meant we knew what we had to do. If we had left it and gone with the flow like our preliminary task, we would have been stuck and the filming process would have taken a lot longer.

I then created a storyboard so that we could plan what was going to happen in each shot. It's an important part of the process as it can make the filming process a lot more efficient if you know what you want from each shot. Here are our storyboards:

We also created floor plans. We inspected the set so we knew what it would look like when were filming. We did this to know where the props were, the actors, camera and lights were. This is very important in the planning process. Also We did it to ensure we never broke the 180 degree rule. Yusuf drew a line to indicate which side of the action we had to be when filming. This made the actual filming of the film much more efficient.

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