Friday 22 March 2013

Case Study

Criminal Minds Case Study.

Myself and my group were asked to write a case study on the crime drama: Criminal minds.
We decided to split this into four categories and each of us would write about these categories.
Summary - Nasmin.
Representations - Nile.
Camera/Mise en scene - Mica.
Genre conventions - Charlie, (me).

Summary. (Nasmin)

For my case study it was based on Criminal Minds, this airs ever night at 9pm on Sky Living.

I watch this program every night however i will be basing this summary on the most recent episode. Within this episode briefly, it was about a convict whom had escaped from an ambulance after suffering from a bad allergic reaction. He continued killing people and stitched his victims mouth shut as his signature mark. 

Within this episode it had touched on many different things such as disability and communication.

On the bases of disability the convict found that although he had a hearing aid he preferred to use sign language as he had restricted himself for a long time from speaking. This was really well presented within this clip with the great use of flash backs, two-shots and fade in’ of white and black. These techniques made the transition very smooth. As the transitions took place to highlighting the reality and distinctively when he has gone back to remembering himself as a child what it was like for him growing up having to deal with the difficulty of not being able to hear properly, having a stutter which made him conscious of people’s views on him and even after he had the opportunity to hear he still used sign language to communicate with others.  

Communication on the other hand had been representing clearly, however they also highlighted the issues it may rise in the work place such as the office when dealing with criminals on a day to day basis. Good communication is key, when working as a team, as everyone should be able to understand each other and work effectively with one another. 

If there is a communication barrier, this would result in others having the wrong interpretation of something which may have been vital. However the over the shoulder shots, close ups, two-shots and medium shot of two characters illustrate this well as one confronts the other about the interruption which had happened, making it so that the point which was to be given to the entire team so they were aware of the case had gone a miss. This can cause conflict within the work place amongst workers – teammates. We can see the frustration in which one feels towards the situation through the close up shot of his face but also the medium shot which illustrates the tension in his neck and bluntness within his shoulders.

This was a great episode, but looking at it from a media student perspective you are able to pick apart a scene and read into each characters emotion using mis-en-scene something as simple as the natural lighting in the room, the diegetic/ non-diegetic sound and many camera techniques. And the pan which is used in the group discussion is a great technique used by the camera man to capture everyone and their body language; we can get the full feel of the entire room and not just one person. We get jump cuts also from the entire room to activates happening outside the briefing room- of the criminal back to a quick close up of one of the members of the team asking a probing question.    

Genre Conventions. (Charlie)

When looking at crime drama we have to establish the Conventions of this genre. Criminal Minds fits under the category of a ‘crime drama,’ as it conforms to the conventional Police Procedural drama. It contains a hierarchal relationship between officers and a fight to find the criminal. However the programme differs in its exploration of the criminal rather than the crime. The central characters of the piece are all highly trained, special agents who deal with high profile, exaggerated cases. For example – a psychiatrist serial killer who murders people using their deepest fears. This is an unrealistic storyline for a conventional crime drama; however it provides entertainment for viewers. As television progresses, the conventions of Crime Drama are also changing. We are no longer in a World of realism and sense ‘The Bill,’ we have now plunged into a state of unrealistic storylines, characters, etc. In order to entertain the public.
The narrative of the piece as we are taken on a journey through the minds of the criminals, we see flashbacks to their childhood for example and we see a clear correlation between the way they were treated and the way they now treat others. However realism is shunned again when looking at the characters, especially the law enforcement team. They are all special agents, they all carry guns in holsters and have intense debates about the case and what they believe the answer is. These are then followed by miraculous brainwaves which give them the solution to the whole investigation. A convention we now see in so many crime dramas, however sadly not in reality.
The use of props is also important. We going to a location where a crime has been committed, we often see the conventional objects we would expect to find, a line of tape to cordon off the area, a forensics team investigating the murder, etc.. However when the climax reaches and the officers finally find the criminals whereabouts, they often run in, wearing no armour and no reinforcements, thus glamorising the police giving them a brave, heroic status, which is again something we wouldn’t find in reality. 
The conventions of a Police Procedural drama would be investigations, which are often shown, meetings to discuss the evidence found, however these often break out into heated arguments and the excitement of the ‘chase’ without the responsibilities that the police have to face when solving a crime.
The audience are constantly made to feel a sense of tense excitement which is resolved at the end of the programme when the ‘killer is caught,’ which is a convention of all Crime Thrillers. Nevertheless, reality tells us something different, solving a crime can be an extensive task where police spend hours looking at evidence, dwelling over paperwork and waiting for a breakthrough, (The Wire) however crime dramas cut these moments out due to the lack of entertainment experienced, thus making it an hour long, action packed thriller, which may not resemble reality, but it provides the amusement we crave and means we continue watching.

Representation (Nile).

Criminal Mind's is a tv show in which an elite group of profilers analyse the nation's most dangerous criminal minds in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again.

Above are the key members of the Criminal Minds team, from left to right, we can see: Joe Mantegna (David Rossi), Shemar Moore (Derek Morgan), and A.J. Cook (Jennifer ‘JJ’ Jareau), Paget Brewster (Emily Prentiss), Kirsten Vangsness (Penelope Garcia), Matthew Gray Gubler (Spencer Reid) and Thomas Gibson, who plays Aaron Hotchner.

Criminal Minds only slightly represents reality, in my opinion.  Most agents spend their time doing paper work and investigating things, they aren't sent out everyday to investigate such matters, there's usually a whole lot more paper work and thigns to sort out before they are.  Also, most crimes in the world don't involve serial killers, this is just used to make the show more interesting.  While the crimes that are dealt with on the show are loosely based on real cases, most crime shows are based on real cases.  Real agents usually work on things that don't involve serial killers.  Very rarely do serial killers come up in real life crime, they definitely don't come up as much as Criminal Minds makes them come up
The majority of key investigators in Criminal Minds are male and this is, in fact, still the case today.  You’ll find there are many more male investigators than female investigators.  Female characters in crime shows or crime films are usually used for “eye-candy” for men hence their looks.  The women, all three of them, have young, attractive faces which was obviously deliberately when casting.  Also, they could be there just to give males a helping hand.  As you can see, the men have more prevalence in this photo whereas the women have been put to the back.  They look smaller and less important.  In the photo, the men are shown to be smart and clever looking because of the fact they’re all wearing suits.  Smart clothing is usually used in detective shows to imply smartness and intelligence.  The women appear to be wearing casual clothing which could connote that maybe they aren't as smart as the men.

Also, the fact that in the picture above, the order, if you think about it, goes from older to youngest,  The two oldest, more intelligent looking men are at the at front of the picture and the youngest people are behind them.  This could maybe show their status in the show or their roles in this programme.  This could also show the representation of old people in society, how much intelligence and wisdom they have and how necessary they are in some situations 

The female characters in this programme are usually portrayed to be quite intelligent but quite stereotypically flirty and fun-loving people. The team specializes in the psychological profiling of criminals – basically, their job is to get inside the criminal’s head so they can catch their target.  The women may be used to maybe use seduction to get information out of the male criminals since the women in this show are all young, intelligent and portrayed as quite flirty characters.  Also, the fact that Jennifer has blonde hair could maybe conform to the "dumb blonde" stereotype.  She can sometimes get emotionally attached to suspects which could also conform to the stereotype that women are emotional.  Male roles in this programme are shown to be more physical and more intelligent than female characters, for example:  Spencer Reid.  Reid is a brilliant psychological profiler, he is the youngest member of the team and has the highest IQ.  He has a variety of other talents though and knows a high amount of chemistry and mathematics.  He has photographic memory and can read quite fast.  This reinforces male dominance in this programme.  Women are usually made to stay at the computers and away from the action unless they're specifically needed.  

 Penelope is dating another FBI analyst but has a joking; friendly relationship with Derek Morgan, Derek calls her “baby girl” and “sugar”.  She’s a computer nerd (which reinforces her intelligence) but she cares a lot about her appearance: changing her hair colour and style nearly every episode and she also wears quite unusual accessories.  This could reinforce how women are maybe represented in this show to be quite immature.  Male gaze is used in this programme too, not just for the male audience but because the woman is usually used to gain information from criminals through the use of seduction.  They'll flirt or maybe show interest in the criminal so the criminal opens up to them.

There are more male characters than female, but only by one.  The four males and three females make up a team of experts in the “Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).   

Camera/ Mise en scene/ Sound... (Mica)
Throughout the Christmas Holidays Criminal Minds is one of the main TV shows I've been engaged in. Its an  American crime drama, which premiered on the network CBS September 22nd 2005. One of the main reasons why I enjoy this show is because it differs from other crime dramas, by focusing on profiling the criminal (psychologically), rather than the crime itself. The series follows a team of profilers from the Behavioral Analysis Unit which is part of the FBI. The show was created by Jeff Davis and produced by The Mark Gordon Company in association with CBS Television Studios.
Criminal minds is shown here in  the UK on t 'Skyliving,' channel. The programme is aired at different times during the day which could be from 1pm- onwards where they play back-to-back episodes, or at night usually from 10pm.
Criminal Minds

Criminal minds did have a spin off; Criminal minds: suspect behaviour which debuted February 16th 2011, but due to low ratings the spin off was then cancelled after 13 episodes. However on March 14, 2012  CBS renewed the original Criminal Mind for an eighth season, which premiered September 26th, 2012.
Criminal Minds: Suspect Behaviour
Common shots used in Criminal Minds include, high angle, birds eye or mid shots these shots are usually used to introduce the location/setting. Even though the main set is based in Virginia USA, being a crime drama locations vary throughout each episode, from country to country. The movement of the camera over looks the location, as it does the opening credit which states the name of the location appears at the bottom of the screen, this usually takes place within the first 2mins of the show.

Sound is an important part of the narrative, as it helps tell the story; the use of non diegetic sound helps maintain the pace of the show it also helps the audience identify what's going on, for example when a crime is taking place, the pace & rhythm of the music may increase. However the diegetic/ambient sound used helps the audience understand the narrative and location, e.g city, (street sounds), as well as the dialogue. The dialogue and communication between the characters is vital as it's the key way for the viewer to get an understanding of what's going on and the relationship with characters within the team. 

The camera shots and editing used also helps the establish the relationship with others, and the intensity of certain situations that take place. Fast cutting, jump cuts and cross cutting are used to portray tension/danger or to create suspicion. A lot of continuity is used to help the flow of the show, the audience get a clear understanding of what's happening. Medium shots and Close ups are used usually with long shots which is done to show the emotion and actions of a particular character. To build apprehension and to position the audience into feeling uncomfortable steadicam is used a lot in Criminal Minds especially when a crime is taking place, this is done to avoid having to cut to another scene. However hand held cams is also used to maintain the realism within the show, which makes it's it more entertaining.

The lighting in Criminal Minds is used creatively colours such as, black, blue and brown are used to represent the police work force, also both high key and low key lighting are used. High key lighting is usually appears when a crime has been solved, whereas low key lighting is often used to encode suspense. Smart/casual clothing is usually worn by the BAU, usually the clothes are plain dark colours to emphasise the specialist nature of their work. Each of the characters carry around a F.B.I badge and gun; occasionally they'll wear F.B.I vest when going to catch a criminal. The props used in the show are considered important, as they represent the genre and gives the audience a clear understanding. Throughout the series of Criminal Minds there'll be objects/props such as; guns, badges, crime scene tape, police cars, flash lights, jail cell, computer technology which is mainly used to help profile suspects.

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