Friday 22 March 2013

Thinking about main task

Main task:

We have thought about doing something masculine and using a theme of thriller/sport. Our main influence would be Rocky Balboa.The training montage from the fourth film is a a good influence as it combines a lot of different images and we could use this as basis for our opening credits. A montage would be good as it's original, sets the scene for the film and combines a lot of film in a short amount of time. We discussed using floating pieces of film in the space with a black background, we would then have the credits moving around this and it would showcase our talents as it's technically challenging and it's a lot of work to undertake. Here is the montage from Rocky Balboa. As you can see it shows his progression, which is what the director wanted to do, without wasting too much film time:

Warrior highlights the floating image idea, it's clever as it again shows the scenes, but it doesn't use too much film time and still has an impact on us as we get the information we need through a unique, interesting way. This isn't a part of the film, however we have taken influence from a video that someone has created.

However we weren't sure whether we would be able to do this and didn't want to get ahead of ourselves, so we looked at other opening credits to find some that are exciting and make the audience feel obliged to keep watching.

The opening credits to Resevoir dogs is very interesting as it starts with a small scene, it then goes into them walking toward the camera, as they walk the camera goes into close up of the individual characters with the actors name below. Once the get far enough away, it blacks out and the rest of the credits are introduced. They use a cheery song to lull us into a fall sense of security. Gradually a man screaming in pain gets louder as the music fades out, this is a section from much later on in the film, but Tarrantino uses it at the beginning to keep us interested in his film and intrigued enough to keep watching. I think this is clever as this introduction of screaming before the light comes back means we are instantly hooked and intrigued, this will then carry us on so that we can watch the film. Here are the credits. Brilliant!

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