Friday 22 March 2013

Target Audience.

We are doing action, mystery, crime. We are doing opening credits in this style as we want it to be intriguing and exciting. From our research we found that the opening credits of a lot of action films are the most creative. For example Reservoir dogs or Kill Bill.
As a group we looked at the most common audience with action films.
We found that young people aged 18 – 44 are the most common types of action movie watchers. We also found that males were more inclined to watch an action film and that people without kids are more interested. We therefore used a techno beat to get people interested in our film to pump the adrenaline of a young male audience.
This is down to the fast paced action of films which is more appealing to a younger audience, however not too young as the action film would have to lower it’s content to allow younger audience members. Which is why most action films are ‘18.’
The fact that more males watch the film is interesting as it means we will have to add more of a masculine edge to the opening credits. More bachelors watch this style of genre as they don’t have children to ruin their lives. They can happily indulge their love of action films without having to worry about their children and whether the ‘content is suitable.’
We took this information and decided it was best to take this further when filming. We will use more sound to add suspense and excitement to the task. We will also use content which may be frightening to younger viewers, to enhance the target audience’s experience.

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