Friday 22 March 2013

Opening Credits for Our Main Task.

Our main task, as seen in an earlier post, is a thriller all about one man getting revenge on the man that has murdered his wife, child and framed HIM for the murder. The opening scene is actually the last scene of the film. It then travels back in time to the opening credits.

We want our credits to be somewhat tense, to create this we want to use the computer as it will not only make the film look professional, but most thriller/mystery films don't have big upbeat opening credits unless trying to subvert the audiences expectations. As we have shown the last scene, we want to continue down the same genre path.

The first film's credits to inspire us was 'The International' as it has a sense of calm, the titles appear next to Clive Owens face and around the scene, the sense of serenity creates an air of tension and suspense. Exactly the feeling we want top create through our opening scene.

Another film that has good opening credits is Quentin Tarantino's film - Reservoir Dogs. The fact the upbeat music lulls the audience into a false sense of fun, we then have the sounds of screaming creep over the top of the music. The screaming gets louder and louder as the music fades out, the black out then cuts to the end scene of the film. I like this because the audience are enjoying themselves unsure of  what is going to happen, they are then shocked and drawn into the sudden action on the screen. The fact they have the climax of the film at the beginning really captures audiences attention as they want to know how the plot ended up with this bleeding man in the back of a car.

Overall I like the idea of starting the film with the final scene to capture the audiences attention, although the upbeat music doesn't support our genre, so when composing the music we will be hoping to create something with more tension, which is why the slow, calm introduction of the credits in The International works.

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