Friday 22 March 2013

Planning for Preliminary.

Planning for Preliminary.

Cameraman: Charlie. (Me)
Editor: Brolin
Director: Daniel.

We started by thinking about a genre we wanted to centre our Preliminary task around. We decided to use a crime genre as the conventions aren't difficult to include, also we found this the most interesting as a group and wanted to appeal to people our age as this is something we can all sympathise with and we understand what our generation want.

We started by created a script. We wanted to make it sound dramatic whilst keeping it simple. After this, I went to find a suitable location for our chosen plot (a mafia boss giving an order to a servant). I went to find an office in the school that would be suitable for us. 

Once we found this we drew up a storyboard of what we wanted to happen in each scene:

Once this was done, I was given the task of creating the floor plans for each storyboard. As I knew the layout of the office and after speaking to Daniel, ( the Director) I was able to simply draw the floor plans whilst drawing in the positions of the camera. I then drew in where the characters would be at each moment. It was quite easy as we made sure the plot was simple yet effective. So most of the scene was stationary in the office. Here are the individual floor plans:

After this, we created a shot list, this was done as it is easier for us to film and cuts out a lot of time as we knew what he had to do at each moment due to the schedule created for us. He described the shots required, scene numbers and descriptions of the shots. So Daniel and I knew where we had to position the camera.

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